Photo Search Photo Albums | Parameter Search | Tag Search | Category Search Albums Photos Category Name Text Galaxies Galaxy Clusters Globular Cluster Nebulae Open Star Clusters Planetary Nebulae Fineware Products Galaxies Galaxy Clusters Globular Clusters Nebulae Open Clusters Planetary Nebulae Solar System and asteroids cluster clusters comets dark emission fineware galaxies galaxy globular nebulae open planetary planets products reflection solar star system Name Tag Text 0015_Thirsty AF.jpg Abell 1656 Coma Galaxy Cluster Abell 1656 Coma Galaxy Cluster Annotated Barnard 33 Horsehead Nebula Comet Leonard C2021 A1 Hickson Compact Galaxy Group 10 IC 1396 Elephant's Trunk Nebula IC 1396 Elephant's Trunk Nebula - Starless IC 1805 Heart Nebula IC 289 IC 289 Planetary Nebula IC 434 Bright Nebula IC 5146 Cocoon Nebula LBN 625 Gamma Cassiopeia Nebula LBN 625 Gamma Cassiopeia Nebula - Starless M 1 Crab Nebula Supernova Remnant M 1 Crab Nebula Supernova Remnant with RGB Stars M 101 Pinwheel Galaxy M 13 Globular Cluster M 20 Trifid Nebula - M 21 Open Cluster M 27 Dumbbell Nebula M 3 Globular Cluster M 31 Andromeda Galaxy M 33 Triangulum Galaxy M 45 The Pleiades M 5 Globular Cluster M 51 Whirlpool Galaxy M 63 Sunflower Galaxy M 64 Black Eye Galaxy M 65 - M 66 - NGC 3268 Leo Trio M 67 Open Cluster M 94 Markarian's Chain Markarian's Chain - Annotated Messier 27 - Dumbbell Nebula Messier 35 - M35 Open Cluster NGC 1514 NGC 2024 Flame Nebula NGC 2174/2175 Monkey Head Nebula NGC 2359 Thor's Helmet Nebula NGC 2359 Thor's Helmet Nebula Closeup NGC 253 Sculptor Galaxy NGC 281 Pacman Nebula NGC 281 Pacman Nebula Starless NGC 2903 Galaxy NGC 457 ET Open Cluster NGC 4631 Whale Galaxy with NGC 4656 and NGC 4657 Hockey Stick Galaxies NGC 5795 Spiral Galaxy NGC 5981, 5982, 5985 - Draco Trio of Galaxies NGC 6804 Planetary Nebula NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula HOO NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula SHO NGC 6939 Open Cluster and NGC 6946 Galaxy NGC 6946 and NGC 6939 Galaxy and Open Cluster NGC 6960 Western Veil Nebula NGC 6960 Western Veil Nebula Ha NGC 7000 North American Nebula NGC 7293 Helix Planetary Nebula NGC 7331 and Friends NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula NGC 869 Double Cluster NGC 891 Silver Sliver NGC 891 Silver Sliver Annotated Sh2-101 Tulip Nebula rowland ASI1600MC ASI1600MM Abell Andromeda Aquila Arp Barnard Bootes Bright Nebula CEM60 Caldwell Cancer Canes Venatici Canis Major Cassiopeia Cepheus Collinder Coma Berenices Comet Cygnus Draco EdgeHD 925 Emission Nebula Esprit 120 Esprit 80 Galaxies Galaxy Galaxy Cluster Galaxy Clusters GalaxyNGC Globular Cluster HOO IC LBN Leo Melotte Messier MyT NGC Nebula Open Cluster Orion Orion ED80 PGC Perseus Planetary Nebulae RGB RGB Stars SHO Sculptor Serpens Sharpless Sirius EQ Starless Supernova Remnant Taurus UGC Ursa Major Virgo Vulpecula “fleas” ˈplaɪ.ədiːz ˈpliːə +10.0 +13° +20° +47° +60° +7.2 +9.3 ± ×108 ~2 −1200 0.29 0.5% 0.75 0.8 0.95 000 0015 0598 0631 06h 08/09/2020 09/22/2019 09/26/2019 09m 1.4 1/14/18 1/25/18 1×1012 10 10/2021 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2682 27 27077 277 2789 27m 28–30 28.93 281 289 29 29.3 2903 2905 294 298 3-5 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5×1016 3/19/19 3/27/2017 30 30.2 300 31 317 32 321 3268 33 332 34 34″ 348 35 350 36 36-inch 3628 365 39′ 390 396 399 3rd 4.000 4.65 4/28/19 4/29/2019 4/5/17 40 400 4121 417 4200 434 4374 439 44 4406 44182 4435 4438 4458 4461 4473 4477 45 454 457 460 4631 4656 4656/57 4657 470 4736 476 480 4826 4874 4889 5.0–10.3 5.7×1016 5/1/17 5/10/17 5/6/2017 5/8/18 50 50% 500 5000 5005 5055 5079 51 5146 5194 5195 51a 52 5272 529 53.5m 530 531 533 536 54 542 543 5457 5795 5818 5904 5976 5981 5982 5985 5987 5989 6.3 6/1/2020 6/17/18 6/4/17 6/4/2019 60° 616 6205 625 63 64 65 65″ 650 650–980 66 67 670 6804 6853 6888 6939 6946 6960 7.5 7.7 7.72 7/11/2018 7/15/2020 7/29/19 7/30/19 700 7000 7209 7293 7331 7335 7336 7337 7340 7500 7600 7635 78 780 7865 7nm 8.4 8.5 8.5±1.9 8.7 8.87 8.99 8/15/2018 8/31/18 8/7/2017 80 800 800–900 8062 815 8313 84 840 855 86% 869 870 884 891 896 8th 8th-magnitude 9.5 9/10/18 9/2/2018 9/20/2017 9/26/17 9/3/2018 9/4/2018 90″ 900 9200 925 930 94 99 a1 ab abell about above absorbing abundance according accordingly accretion accuracy acquired across action active additional adjacent ænˈdrɒmɪdə af affectionately after age aged ago al all allows almost alnitak along alpha also alternative although amateur america american among amorphous amounts an and andromeda angle anglo anglo-irish ann annotated anomalous another antiquity any apart apparent appear appearance appeared appears apple apply appreciable approx approximately april aquarius aquila arcmin arcmins arcminutes arcsec arcsecond are area arm armenian arms around arp as ascension asi1600mc asi1600mm assemblage assembled assigns associated association astrodon astronomer astronomers astronomical astronomy astrophysicist at atmosphere august away b-type bailey band bar barnard barred based batista bayer bd bd+60°2522 be bear became because become becomes been before begun behavior behind being belongs below belt benjamin berenices best best-studied better between bevis beyond billion billions binary binoculars black blobs blocked blue bode bodies bok bootes border both bottom bound boundary bow bow-shock branch brief bright brighter brightest brightly brightness broom bruhns bubble bubbles burnham but by c2021 caldwell called camera can cancer canes canis cass cassiopeia cassiopeiae catalog cataloged catalogue catalogued causes causing cavity celestial cem60 center central century cepheus chain chance chandra change character characteristic charles chart cheseaux chi chinese christian christianum circa circular circumnuclear circumstellar citation cited claimed class classification classified close closer closeup cloud clouds cluster clusters cm cocoon coelum coherently coin colleague collection collectively collide colliding collinder collision colloquially color color-magnitude coma combined come comet coming common commonly communicated compact companion companions comparable compared complete complex component composed compressing compression comprising computer concentrated concentration concluded conditions configuration confines confusion considered consisted consistent consists constellation constellations constitutes constrained construction contained containing contains continent continue continued continuous contributed convinced coordinates core corner corona corrected corresponding could counter counter-rotating counter-rotation couple cover cr crab created crescent cropped crowbar cs current currently curved cygni cygnus dark darker data database date days de dec declination deep deer degrees deneb denotes dense densely denser describe described describing description descriptive design designated designations destined detailed detected development diabolo diabolo-like diagram diameter different difficult diffuse diffusion dim dimensions direction directly disc discovered disk disks disperse displays distance distanced distances distant distorted do does doll dollar dominated double double-shell down dozen draco drawing dreyer driven due dumbbell duo duo-narrowband duplex during dust dwarf each earl early earth easily east easternmost ed80 edge edge-on edgehd edward either ejected eldest electron electrons elephant elert elliptical ellipticals emanating embedded embryonic emil emission emits emitting emptied end energetic energies energizing english enriched entire entries epoch eq equal equivalent equivocation esprit established estimate estimated estimates estimating et even evidence evil evolution example except excited exhaust exhibits exist existence expanded expanding expansion expelled exploded explorer explosion extended extending extends extension extensively extremely eye eyes face face-on faint fainter faintly fairly famous far fast favourable feature features feed few field filamentary filter filters final finger fireworks first fisher fitting flame fleas” flocculent fluoresce flux for forcing foreground form formal formation formed forming forms found four fraction french friends from front full fully fuse fusion galactic galaxies galaxy galaxyngc game gamma gas gas-rich gaseous gases gasses gave gemini general generally generation gets ghost ghz giant giovanni given gives globular globule globules glow glowing god gottfried grand grand-design gravitational gravitationally great group grouping groups gulf gum gyr h-alpha ha halo handbook harsh has have hcg hd he head heart heated heats heavens helix helmet help hence hercules here herring herschel hertzsprung hertzsprung-russell hickson high higher highly hii hii/liner him himself hip hipparchus his historical hockey hodierna hole holes hoo horse horsehead hosts hot hours however hrs huge hundred hydrogen i.e ic ideas identifiable identification identified identifiers identify ids if ii illuminated imaged images imagined implying important in inch inclined include includes inclusion incorrectly indeed independently indicate indicates indicating individual inflow influence informally infrared inhabit inner intended intense interacting interaction interactions interesting intergalactic intermediate interstellar into involved inward ionised ionized ionizing ipa irish irregularity irving is isolated it its itself j2000 jet jets johann john judgement june just kachina karl kev kilometres kiloparsecs kirch kly km km·s−1 km/s knocks knot known koehler kpc laboratory lacerta lack lana lanes large largely larger largest last later latter layers lbn lead leading least left lenticular leo leonard leotriplethunterwils less lewis lgg lick lie lies light light-years lights like likely likewise line line-of-sight linear liner list listed lists live local located location long looked looking looks loop loosely lord louis low low-mass lower loys lrgb luminosity luminosity-distance luminous lumpy ly lynds m☉ m1 m101 m13 m3 m31 m35 m39 m5 m51 m51a m63 m64 m65 m66 m67 m84 m86 m94 made mag magnitude magnitudes main mainly major makes making manner many mapped march margin markarian marked martin masers mass masses massive material matter may mean means measurable measured measurement measures mechain medium megaparsecs melotte member members mention merger messier mexico mi mi/s microquasar mid mid-19th mid-infrared mid-northern middle middle-aged milky million min mins mistake mistook mly modelling moderate moderately molecular monkey moon more morphological most motion motions mount move movie moving mpc much multiple mycn myt n.j naked naked-eye named names narrowband nature near nearby nearest nearly nebula nebulae nebulosa nebulosity nebulous needed negligible neighborhood network neutron new newly ngc nice nickname nicknames night no nogg non non-barred non-rotational none normal north northern northwest not notes november now nuclear nucleus number numbers numerous nursery o6 ob1 object objects obscuration observable observation observations observatory observe observed observing obvious obviously occult ocl october of offset often old older oldest on once one only ontc open optical or orange orbit order ori original originally origins orion osc other others our out outburst outer outline output outreach outside outward oval oval-shaped over overall owl own p1 p2 packed pacman pair pairs parallaxes parsecs parsons part particularly passing past patch patches pc peak pegasus per period persei perseus persistent pgc phaenomenon phi phi-1 phi-2 philippe photographed photographically pi piece pierre pigott pinwheel plane planet planetary plausible pleiades plus pn point points pole popular populated population portion portions position positioned possible pre pre-supernova precisely preliminary present presented pressure previously primarily primary probably produce produced products professional project prominent pronounced protect protostars protrudes proximity psi public published pull pulsar pulses question quintuple ra radial radiation radio radius range rate rather ray rayet rays reached reason recent recombine recorded red red-giant refer references referred refers reflection region relation relative relatively remarkable remnant remnants remote reports resemblance resemble resembled resembles reside resolve resolved resources respect respectively result results rethink retrograde rgb rich right rim ring ring-like ring/spiral rings rise rosse rotating rotation rotational roughly round roundish rs russell sa saba sabc sagittarius same sao satellite saturn say says scale scattered scenarios schiller scope sculptor second secondary see seen seldom seldom-used separated separately separation september sequence serpens seven several seyfert sh sh2 sh2-101 sh2-105 sh2-117 sh2-125 sh2-162 sh2-184 sh2-190 sh2-277 shape shaped sharpless sheds shell shifting shines sho shock show showing shown shows sight significantly silver simbad similar simulations since single singular sinuous sirius sisters site six size sized skiing sky slightly sliver slower small smaller smbh smoothly sn so so-called soft solar solon solstice some sometimes somewhat source south southern southwest space span spanning spectral spectroscopic spectrum speed sphere spherical spin spiral spirals spitzer spotted stage standards star star-forming starburst starless starry stars starting stellar stellatum stems stewart stick still straddles stragglers stretch structure structures studied study studying such suggesting suggests sun sunflower super super-outburst supercluster supergiant supernova superposed supports surface surrounded surrounding surrounds survive suspected swan swept swift symmetric symmetrical system tail takes target tauri taurus technique telescope telescopes temperature temperatures ten terms tev than that the their them themselves then there these they thickness thinks thirsty this thor those thought thousand three through tightly tip titan to together too top torn torus toward transitional triangulum trifid triggered trillion trio triplet trumpler truncated trunk tulip tully tully-fisher twice two two-arm type typically ugc ugca ultimately ultraviolet unaided unbarred uncertain unclear under undergoing understand understood uniform unionised unrelated unresolved until unusually up upon uranometria ursa us use used uses using v11 vantage variable varied varies variously vary vaucouleurs veil velocity venatici venture verified very via video view viewed vigorous virgo virial visible visual volume vulpecula warp warped was water wave wavelengths waves way we weak weakly weakly-barred websites wedge well were west western westernmost whale what when where whether which while whirlpool white who whose widely wikipedia will william wind winds winter wispy witches with within without wolf wolf-rayet working wound wr wr7 wrapped wraps x-1 x-ray x-ray-emitting x-rays year years yields young younger youngest yr zodiac zoomed zwo β ζ οn χ